Let's Build Bridges

Let's Build Bridges
There are many bridges we can build

Thursday 14 August 2014

The graduate cross disciplinary network

My development within university and my eventual success in achieving a degree can be attributed in part to my growth into a forward thinking educated individual. A large proportion of my development was down to lecturing and a desire to learn, however a I feel you that the formation of an interconnected, cross disciplinary social and study network created the framework for me to look for solutions and advice that I couldn't achieve as an individual.

The same is essential as you enter the alumni forum. What you know, what they know, what employers want. From personal experience knowing a cross disciplinary group of individuals has presented past job opportunities, CV development from graduate recruitment agents, free marathon training personal training from a highly successful fitness coach. a peer review from a PhD chemical engineer and free legal clarification from a fully qualified lawyer.

The graduate network can collectively keep creating excellent intellectuals well beyond university. Surely two educated heads are better than one in all aspects of a post university career?

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