Let's Build Bridges

Let's Build Bridges
There are many bridges we can build

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Fighting Ageism With Opportunity

A valid point has been raised by one member of Let's Build Bridges' groups about ageism: although there are many young people who need opportunities, there is also one group of adults who may be being overlooked. What about opportunities for the adults who are aged 55 and over? This is an important issue. While in my 30's myself, I do agree that with the global forces bearing down on our economies, the over 55's may become marginalised if opportunities are not created for them, as vigorously as for other age groups.

To tackle this issue, I believe that business start ups would be a good way to empower them. This was part of the reasoning behind the start-ups side of our Forum. If people of all ages were invited to form companies, the over 55's years of experience would make them assets to a new business: even taking a leading role. After all, 'Colonel Sanders' Harland founded Kentucky Fried Chicken in his 60's, so there is a precedent for start ups as the answer. Likewise, in many of the societies I know, the over 55's are the organisers: so there is a clear need for their skills.

Also, they could make excellent mentors in the student-Alumni networks. The over 55's experience, and their networks of connections could offer good advice to the students, and allow the mentors themselves to feel valued.  Many of the professors who taught at my university were retired professionals who had come back to impart my knowledge: as had some of the mentors in our student-Alumni network, I notice. This is a trend that we can help be continued.

In these two ways, I believe we can help to create a level playing field, to keep the opportunities going for all adults aged 55 and over: as well as for people of all ages.

I welcome your thoughts on this.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. And my message to adults over 55 - and indeed to people of all ages - is: if you feel your skills are not being valued, then come and visit my sub group on LinkedIn, and lend your skills to something that will help your fellow entrepreneurs. It could even help a few more people to get jobs. The page is:


    All are welcome


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