Let's Build Bridges

Let's Build Bridges
There are many bridges we can build

Saturday, 25 October 2014

A Thing of the Past? The New Fight for Jobs

It's tempting to believe the Government's rhetoric that we are 'coming out' of the Recession, but I don't buy it.  Many shops stand empty, food banks are on the increase; and the last job I applied for had over 150 other applicants. It's a familiar story. My interviewers' feedback for one job said it all. "We know you can do the job: but so can 19 of the other people who applied for it." Add to that, the wave or redundancies soon to be made in several of our nations' key companies: and it doesn't take a genius to work out, that the Recession is not a thing of the past. As I have argued elsewhere on these pages, it is still very much with us.

The Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004 not only killed a great many innocent people, it also caused severe damage to communities, infrastructure, and the lives of many survivors. The Recession, while not as physically dangerous, has caused major psychological damage to our society as a whole. It caused serious internal damage to institutions, which did not show at the time, but is not coming to the surface, in the shape of cuts to local government, as well as on-going redundancies throughout private sectors companies.

So what is the solution? While I may not have all the answers, there is one way we can definitely get people their jobs back. The Government will of course, be working on job creation schemes, which at the moment, are still sorely needed. But since around two thirds of jobs are to be found in the smaller businesses, it makes sense that we concentrate on the most reliable source for new jobs: business start-ups.

When we think about it: what is a business? A team of capable people, working to make a concept a reality, by providing a product or service, to customers. Without start-ups, there would be no business as I'm sure business people reading this will agree. So if we can find ways to put both aspects together, we can ensure the creation of more small businesses, and hence, more jobs.   From experience, I know that when you're working on a project, there are always new ideas for products and services, that innovators have had to shelve.

There are also plenty of capable adults whose talents are not used, nor are they valued. And there are young people whose skills are not yet realised, but have real potential to offer. Put all of these elements together and you have the makings of a new business or institution. Common sense tells us that a healthy economy needs thriving industries and enterprise, so that people have more money to spend, so this is where we should start. Our digitally connected society allows us access to many social networks to make this happen.

That is why I am currently working with others, to create a new kind of database for business start ups. If innovators upload ideas they have not yet implemented, onto a special database; and people wanting to start a new business, put their contact details onto that same database; then entrepreneurs will have all the basic resources they need to start a business, in one place. Entrepreneurs need something that not only allows them to select not only the people to work with, but also, the new products and services to try. They need a special kind of business app, that provides them with a complete Toolkit for a start-up.

If such an initiative seems hard to achieve, then consider this. In my region alone, we have seen the building of Europe's first fully integrated facility, The Hive; which combines both Worcester University's, and the County Council's libraries; to create an information powerhouse for both students, and members of the public alike. Its counterpart, the Birmingham Library, has shown similar cutting edge innovations in learning resources, that will inspire librarians around the world to do the same. The Sixways rugby stadium, for sport; and the Midlands Arts Centre; have also been a huge inspiration to the people who practise their craft. They will inspire countless generations of athletes and artists to do the same.

Every one of these projects began as an idea. With the right resources, determination, and the commitment of a dedicated group of people, it became a reality. This is what we can achieve if we put together the innovations of the thinkers, with the right groups of capable people, to build new businesses.

So I invite all people who want to start a business, or have a concept they want make a reality, to please submit your info to:


And you're welcome to join the network on Google+ :

It's time to create jobs. Let's do it.

Best Regards

James M


Let's Build Bridges [an open forum]

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