Student Opportunities
For student opportunities, my focus is currently on the new
Linkedin group, for Alumni of my University of Birmingham’s Guild Musical
Theatre Group. This was a student society I once belonged to, that has now
become a very successful part of our university’s Guild of Students. I aim to
bring 30 generations of its Alumni into one group, to form a network in support
of the performing arts:
What makes this group unique, is that the students for this
society, came from every school of our University. Many society members studied
subjects other than drama: from science, and business; to history and politics.
And yet so many of them went on to have successful careers in the performing
arts industry: making the case for the performing arts as a profession
accessible to all.
That is what I hope to demonstrate to fellow business
people, by setting up this group on Linkedin. As university graduates, its
members are intelligent, highly organised individuals, who have roles in
important arts organisations. Given time and resources, they will be able to
co-ordinate a very successful network for the performing arts. And when they
do, their work will set an example, which other student-Alumni networks, may
choose to follow.
For disadvantaged young people, some very interesting
insights have been shown to me, regarding digital badging, as a way to help their
career opportunities, as discussed on the following page:
I believe that if a 16-24 year old who is not in education
nor training, received a qualification by assessment; then the awarding body could
register them on key recruitment databases for that industry. This at least,
would flag up talented, but disadvantaged candidates, to recruiters; giving
NEET’s more of a chance, against their fully qualified student and apprentice
There is one particular borough of London, where I think
this kind of system could be used. Their borough council’s youth worker has
been very receptive to the concept. However, the representative they have
recommended, will be occupied for the next few weeks, and I hope to discuss the
idea with them after this time.
The Gorilla Database
For job creation opportunities: The Gorilla Database has now
had over 10,000 views on Google+, making a clear case for its sustainability as
a concept, and for further development:
As contacts of mine have found, there are many graduates,
whose theses, and PHD’s have not yet been developed into products and services.
Likewise, there are always entrepreneurs, who are looking for new ideas. This
database aims to put the two together, as an enabler for start ups.
Now there is a clear interest in the concept, we need a
working prototype, to prove this the database can work. One University’s business tutor, whom I have
spoken to, has agreed that this database will be considered for their business
incubator: on condition that certain things are demonstrated first. A working
prototype is one of them.
The Blog
Nick Clapp and Howard Court have kindly agreed to become
authors for our Forum’s blog. If you too, would like to write and publish
articles about young people and adult’s opportunities, then please contact me
on the following email, and I will send you the invite, to become a
Progress has been made for all areas of opportunity that
this Forum seeks to cover. The Gorilla Database; the possible digital badging scheme
in London; and the GMTG Linkedin page, are all providing clear examples for job
creation, help for disadvantaged young people’s opportunities, and student
opportunities. We now need to set up the working prototype for job creation,
plan how the London scheme may be put into practice; and build the GMTG group
into a full scale network. These steps will take time, effort and planning. But
if you know individuals, who may have the insights, resources and ideas for
these projects, you are more than welcome to invite them to our Forum.
Best Regards
James M
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