Let's Build Bridges

Let's Build Bridges
There are many bridges we can build

Monday, 6 July 2015

Qualified Assessment Update, July 2015 - The Need for a More Proactive Approach

Following my article a few months ago, about qualified assessment for non-graduates, I have spoken to a number of youth organisations about this, and youth workers alike. As they have told me, there are certificate qualifications, which non-graduates can be awarded, but these are usually for general core skills (such as Teamwork). But from my background in HR, I know that - to be blunt - employers expect these core skills anyway, from all candidates who apply for a job.

What will impress the employers, are certificate qualifications for specific skill sets; for example, customer service, manual handling, etc. This will allow a candidate to fit into a specific niche that the employer wants them too. Again, it is not that non-graduates aren't given these certificate qualifications. But the problem is that the system relies on the initiative of each youth organisation or training provider.

For example, a school may recommend a group of young people, for training under a youth organization. The organisation's Outreach team may then assess the group, see where their skills lie, and accredit them a certificate qualification for a skill such as construction. And they may be introduced to contacts in the industry to find a good career. This is great for that particular group of young people: but what about the other young people in nearby schools, who could benefit just as much from the same opportunity?

That is why I think qualified assessment should be integrated proactively into every youth service, and made as freely available to non-graduates as a school education. This would ensure that every 16-24 year old service-user is given a free full assessment of his/her skills and abilities: and then directed to an assessor to be qualified for any ungraded skills. It should, in effect, be like a safety net, to make sure, that young people who did not get the chance for apprenticeships or higher education, are still able to prove themselves to future employers, by gaining certificate qualifications, that reflect their skills.

I am keen to discuss how we could make qualified assessment for young people, an integral part of all youth services.

You are welcome to visit our Forum page to discuss.

Best Regards

James M


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