Let's Build Bridges

Let's Build Bridges
There are many bridges we can build

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Progress So Far

Thankyou to the first 2 careers officers who have come forward to share their information with me. I am pleased to hear that there are similar schemes being planned, to the one suggested by an Alumnus to this forum. More information on this will come soon, but in the meantime I wish both parties the best of luck with their endeavours.

With the current state of our economy, it is vital to create as many new opportunities as possible. We only have to look at the closed shops in our towns and cities; the emmigration of many young people I know, to countries like Australia; and the growing number of homeless on our streets, to see that action need to be taken. We have the power to do this.

Since the purpose of this forum is to create opportunities; we can set the example, by using our skills and connections to build it. Over the next few months, I will need the help of any willing volunteers to set up and maintain the social media, which must be state of the art, to meet the standards of the academic and business communities.  I will also need the advice of business, marketing, and editorial students, to name but a few.

Careers officers from the remaining universities/colleges; non-graduate assessors; and start-up providers, should be encouraged to visit these pages, to add to discussions. When the project comes to fruition, I plan for it to become be a self-sustaining forum, run by students, academics and business people alike, for the benefit of all. 

So this in itself is an opportunity for you, the students, who are reading this. Help me with this forum to reach its full potential, and I will recommend you to my colleagues: including key contacts on my company's Recruitment Team. If you, or someone you know, would like help with these tasks, then they are welcome to contact me on the forum's Facebook and Linkedin pages:

I am aware that it is difficult for careers officers and recruitment professionals who are involved with this project, to share all of their information: because, in business terms, they are technically in competition with one another. However, from an academic point of view, it is important to stimulate debate and discussion on a subject of interest: the subject in this case, being the careers opportunities for young people, and for adults. From a business point of view, it is equally important to ensure compliance: so that all networks are fully streamlined and operate to their full potential. Therefore, this is what I propose:

You are free to give me any updates and information you are happy to share, on student mentoring schemes, knowledge transfer, and other ways in which your organisations are creating opportunities for young people and adults. I will not divulge the specifics of your information, without your permission, but I will discuss the points made in general terms, so that this may lead to new ideas for all the careers officers and other business professionals who are following this project.

A point raised so far, for example, is that not all Alumni are qualified to be mentors and coaches, and therefore, other working adults may be required, to help students. In which case, I suggest using administrators and managers as possible mentors, because while they may not always be qualified, they are used to imparting complex information to others, and can learn mentoring fast. If managers are too occupied with their duties, then administrators can make a good substitute. I welcome your feedback on this.

So, if you would like me to promote a scheme or an idea that you have, I am happy to do so. In the meantime, I will process any feedback you give me, into general debate and discussion, to help young people and adults gain new opportunities.

I look forward to hearing more from you.

Best Regards

James M


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