Let's Build Bridges

Let's Build Bridges
There are many bridges we can build

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

The Gorilla App as a Tool for Start ups

I'd like to pus a few ideas forward for why we should offer the Gorilla Opportunity app.

Despite all of our existing social media networks, apps and platforms, I have found as a business person, that there are still gaps in the recruiting system, they we need to remedy. For example, the One-Click apply apps now allow us to make hundreds of applications through our phones in one go. And we can also display our profiles on multiple social media networks to recruiters. All well and good, but what often happens, is that the one click apply jobs and headhunting are outsources to employment agencies: who then require candidates to register with them first, before going to interviews with the potential employers. For the best roles, there will inevitable be perhaps 2 or even 3 interviews - even when the candidate actively approaches the organisation his or her self; and since most of us are applying for our next job while in full time work, this can be time consuming and inefficient.

And for the VC's themselves, while they have plenty of existing networks to recruit entrepreneurs, and have candidates found from, I would like to offer them this tool as a handy extra, to the process. As per our previous posts, the logic behind the Gorilla App, will be that it works like a dating app, to allow VC's to search the skillset, background experience, and even past companies worked in, by the business people they are looking for. If I were looking to invest in a group of people to start a business, I would want a very clear breakdown of all of these things, before I invested in them. And so we will be very specific, to offer a specialised search and contact options to do exactly that. That is why I am pushing for us to create an app, we will call Gorilla Business.

Admittedly, I will say that like the supermarkets, we won't be the first to offer this kind of service. In fact, there is another Gorilla start ups initiative on my very doorstep: competitors in my home town who are offering the same start ups advice for innovators and entrepreneurs. But think of the supermarkets as businesses themselves. ASDA is not the only supermarket in my parents' home town, that sells food. In theory, you could walk down a street anywhere in the UK, and buy exactly the same food from any number of the groceries of supermarkets based there. But of course, it is the way that the service is offered, which is why each supermarket has its own brand and business. My logic for Gorilla Business is the same.

People will always need food, hence why there will always be supermarkets or outlets that sell food to them in some form. And by the same logic, there must be many different apps, networks and platforms to enable job creations, because people will always need jobs - and career opportunities too, and there will always need to be new jobs and career opportunities for them to have. And while I am hopeful about Brexit, it is prudent that we all be prepared for the UK's separation from the European Single Market; which will inevitably mean a shock to our economy, and so entrepreneurs and VC's alike will need every tool at their disposal, to keep start ups - and hence people's jobs - going.

Therefore, headhunting and picking the right team are the name of the game. These will be the reasons why business people should use our app. Anyone interested in discussing this with me, is welcome to attend the Skype meeting we will have on Nov 18th, and I can be found under the distinctive Skype name of 'Mysticmegster1' to link up.

Let's help start businesses and offer people new jobs and opportunities