A Response to Points Made so far
Following my open letter, there are a number of points from feedback, members and others have given to me so far, and I would like to respond to these, and offer some more points for discussion.
Firstly, that our forum seems to be dealing with too many issues at once. According to one member, it seems to be trying to solve many different issues to with many different groups of people. And in response to this, I will say, there is only one issue that this forum is here to deal with: the creation of jobs and career opportunities.
However, the need for opportunity is so universal, and affects many different groups of people, in many different ways, that there are potentially hundreds of issues to discuss. Therefore, I have narrowed it down to 3 areas, but the reason why I have chosen to discuss all 3 of these ways to create opportunities - knowledge transfer, skills and qualifications and job creation - is because dealing with any one of these aspects by itself would only solve part of the problem.
It is all very well being qualified and assessed on a course, for example, but where is the job at the end of it? It is all very well having a job, but what about the innovations (and skills) needed to create new opportunities in that industry? And it is all very well wanting to start a business - and create jobs in the process - but what do you make or sell, and who do you hire who is willing to work in a start up, for long hours at low pay?
All these areas are linked, and in many ways, the issues overlap one another: hence I have deliberately expanded the scope of this forum, to consider how the challenges in each area affect the other two, and what kind of co-ordinated solution we can find to resolve them.
So what I plan for eventually, is to have 3 teams of people in effect, who are dedicated to dealing with each of these aspects of our forum. They would look at the challenges faced by each group of people - the students, the NEETs, and the adult entrepreneurs - and find ways to create opportunities for them, as per the plan in my open letter.
Dedicated and experienced volunteers, could in time become trustees for Let's Build Bridges, enabling it to become an Unincorporated Association. They would be helped by volunteers in each field, who believe in jobs and career opportunities for the people they are helping.
And so I would like to give you a brief update on each area so far:
Student Opportunities
One project I have been focusing on right now for student opportunities, is the GMTG Performing Arts Group: an online networking group on Linkedin, to engage performing arts students, artists and creatives, and including members and Alumni of my university's Guild Musical Theatre Group. This online group is now approaching nearly 50 members, and includes a wide range of full time arts professionals, performing arts students, and arts enthusiasts, both young and adult:
The group is gaining momentum, with artists and creatives coming forward to join it, and I believe we can now offer some real connections and career opportunities, to students and adults who are looking for careers in arts and entertainment.
That is why I have proposed a Question and Answer session between all members, and have been speaking with our student engagement officer about how this might be done:
It may not yet be possible to hold such an event, until the group gains more members. We still need key leaders from each generation of Alumni to come forward. And as always, it is difficult to get so many people on different schedules, to meet at the same time and place.
But all the same, I believe that this group presents a very good opportunity to arts enthusiasts, and the success of its members is clear proof to the business community, that the performing arts is in fact a valid profession for our students to learn. And it is my hope, that this group will set an example for other student-Alumni networking groups to follow.
With cut backs being made to your services in the UK, this is likely to damage the opportunities of disadvantaged young people (or 'NEETs' as we know them over here). Therefore, I think that Kevin Field's digital badging system, could be one way to compensate for this loss, by helping NEETs in a new way. Qualified assessment of all skills and abilities is still the best way forward, and I believe that once qualified, this digital system could then be used to flag newly qualified NEETs to potential new employers.
A good place for us to try this, would be in the borough of Tower Hamlets in London. As one member of this group has told me, London has a higher number of 18-24 year olds who face challenges to finding employment, compared with the rest of the UK. There are of course, schemes in place to help these disadvantaged young people. But there is not yet one that I have found, where NEETs are fully assessed and qualified, according to their prior learning and skill level. The flaw seems to be that although employers may offer traineeships, they don't have to award certificate qualifications to candidates, at the end of every course. Another challenge, is that the focus is only on getting the NEETs onto their chosen career path. This is fine: but I also think that if NEET's qualifications and grades were made to reflect all of their skills, it would allow them to overcome their disadvantage, by demonstrating their worth to future employers. And a few extra certificate qualifications may not seem like much, but they might be the vital step up a disadvantaged candidate needs, to land a new job.
So I would like us to consider using full qualified assessment, and the digital badging system for young people in the Tower Hamlets borough, and welcome the chance to discuss this with members of our group.
Adult Entrepreneurs
Thanks to the entrepreneurs I have spoken to, for their feedback. Regarding the Gorilla Database: there are many innovations from the universities that could be used for new products and services, but entrepreneurs from business start ups who used them, would have to reassure the universities' leaders, that these would not disrupt the market. This would mean careful planning and market readiness for the launch of new products and services.
My response to this issue is: surely the current patents from graduates' innovations have already had to undergo such a process? They have surely had the same opposition from potential competitors from within the marketplace, and have had to be released, following careful negotiations between the universities and the large organisations.
And by that logic, I see no reason why we shouldn't also consider using the innovations of graduates whose unread theses and PHD's have not yet been made into products or services. Surely entrepreneurs could negotiate with the same contacts at the universities, to use these innovations? This will need some thought, and I will be in contact with several universities about the use of their masters graduates theses, to make new products and services.
Of course, the universities are one possible source for innovations. There are plenty of entrepreneurs who have their own ideas, and make successful businesses from them. But I believe that if entrepreneurs are looking for inspiration, that there are enough unread theses at each university in the world, for potentially hundreds of new innovations for enterprise.
The next challenge for start ups, would of course be funding. As one entrepreneur said to me: there are many 20-30 something people who would like to start a business, but who need someone else to invest in them. They may need Angel investors, or Venture Capitalists, but I am also wondering about older entrepreneurs, who as my friend have said, have made their money over the years, and are now looking for potential new ventures or challenges to take on. These people might make useful investors, if they get together with the other entrepreneurs, to help fund their projects.
These are the points from feedback so far, and they will help Let's Build Bridges to develop our long term plans.
So if there are any people you know, who are passionate about the need for opportunity, please tell them about our forum, and invite them here to be a part of it.
Best Regards
James M