Let's Build Bridges

Let's Build Bridges
There are many bridges we can build

Thursday, 18 February 2016

An Open Letter to All

An Open Letter

To all members of the forum, and readers online. Instead of the usual updates, for January and February, there is something I would like us all to consider.

As you may know, and as part of the plan for this forum, I am looking towards long term developments, and believe that Let’s Build Bridges can function, ultimately, as a charity, to help the jobs and career opportunities of young people and of adults. If you are a group member on our forum’s Facebook, Linkedin, or Google+ pages, you are under no obligations of course: associating with this forum does not bind you to it in any way, and you are welcome to contribute whatever you feel is appropriate, for your level of interest in our forum.

You have all responded to my various invitations, to join this forum, and as you will have seen, the members of our forum are from many different professions and backgrounds. But essentially, our main aim has always been about finding ways to create new opportunities for people. We all believe that there should be more opportunities for young people and adults. And with the combined talents and experience of this group, I believe we have the right combinations of experience, the skills and the knowledge, to make this happen.
What I am looking for now, is for like-minded people you would recommend, who are interested in growing this project and taking it to the next stage in its evolution. After some development, I would like Let’s Build Bridges to become an unincorporated charity. You, the existing members would be more than welcome to continue following what we do as before, but you may know people you could recommend, who would become its trustees.

To recap what this forum is here to do, Let’s Build Bridges was founded to consider ways of helping the opportunities of three groups of people. They are:

·         Students

·         Disadvantaged young people (known as ‘NEET’s’ in the UK)

·         Adult entrepreneurs

By aiming to help each of these groups, I believe we are enabling the core values of opportunity. These are:

·         Knowledge transfer

·         Skills and Qualifications

·         Job creation

With this in mind, the forum’s objectives are:

Student Opportunities

·         To ensure that all students are given work experience, as part of their higher education

·         To encourage student-Alumni networking across all industries and professions

·         To make student work experience a two-way process, allowing students to pass on their innovations, and receive mentoring and coaching for their chosen industry in return.


·         To ensure that the skills and abilities of all 18-24 year olds, not in education or training ('NEETs'), are recognised and reflected by their grades.

·         To do this by ensuring that all NEET’s are offered a full qualified assessment of their skills and abilities.

·         To enable this by making full qualified assessment an integral part of every youth service.

Adult Entrepreneurs

·         To empower all adults who are wanting to start a business of their own, or be part of one.

·         To combine innovations, entrepreneurs, and a variety of both skilled and unskilled participants, to create new businesses.

·         To use business start-ups as a means of job creation for adults, and for young people.    

These are the three main areas of the forum’s discussions, and what I plan to make into the 3 areas of Let’s Build Bridges’ operations. But of course, this is a team effort. And while I am passionate about opportunity, there are of course, many others who have original ideas about how to create opportunities for people’s jobs and careers.

In many ways, i think we all underestimate the need for opportunity. Time and again, i have seen the effect of frustration on individuals, who are made to feel jealous of others success, because of a missed opportunity. Indeed, a great many social ills, from bullying to crime, can be traced in some form, right back to a lack of opportunity. Jobs and careers play an important part in people s lives, and by enabling them, we can help both young people and adults enjoy the opportunities they have.

So if you know anyone who is passionate about the creation of jobs, and/or careers, in the ways described above – among your colleagues, contacts, or friends of friends – then please do put them in touch with me, on the details below, or invite them to this forum, and with their help, and your interest, we will take Let’s Build Bridges to the next stage in its development.

Best Regards

James Megarry LLM, LLB, LCM


Let’s Build Bridges

Thursday, 4 February 2016

No Regrets - Why We should not need to look back

One of the most important reasons for this forum, is to make sure that my fellow adults and today's generation of young people, are making the most of the opportunities in their lives. Time and time again, I have met adults who feel they have not done this, and as the saying goes, it is what we don't do in life that we regret the most. We need to make sure that the young people of today are given the best opportunities possible, so that by the time they have become adults, they will not look back with regret, at the career choices they have made.

Teachers understand how important it is, to give young people the best start in life. Who you are now affects how you will be in years to come. As we say at my old university, the students for example, are the 'leaders of tomorrow.' So what kind of a future do we want to give them? And the same goes for disadvantaged young people. Just because they face challenges, should not stop them from having good careers: but of course, they need to be given the right opportunities for this to happen.

And to my fellow adults: I would say that for us, we need to be able to look back with satisfaction on our lives, and know that we used our experience, to make the most of the opportunities around us. It is when we don't do this, that we succumb to something of a pandemic in today's world: the midlife crisis.

The midlife crisis might seem laughable to anyone under 30, but I can assure you, it is no joke. You begin to realise that time is passing you by, and that old friends now even have grandchildren. Then it hits home. We wake up one day and think 'what happened to my life?' It is true that relationships play a big part in our past regrets. But equally, something I have noticed, is that time and again, a missed career opportunity, is what my fellow adults regret the most.

If we adults are honest here, as this classic Star Trek moment illustrates: one of our greatest fears is this:


But it doesn't have to be this way. We have the power to change that. My fellow adults have years of experience, and if we get properly organised, can co-ordinate our efforts to create some amazing opportunities for ourselves, and for the young people of today. We need to do everything we can to make this happen. You only live once, and it is important that both young people and adults, have the jobs and the career opportunities they need to live a good, fulfilling life.

So let's make this happen.